Who are we?

Hi lovelies!

Jess, Tash & Charlotte here.

We created MorethantheC-word because we understand the gap in aged care for teenage cancer patients all over the world. We know that being an adolescent/young adult comes with many challenges – and adding cancer into the mix can create a whirlwind of confusion, despair and isolation.

We want to bring you MorethantheC-word to allow you to be just that: more than cancer, more than your diagnosis, your treatment and your illness. We’re here to help you with many aspects of your cancer journey: before, during and afterwards including beauty tips, exercise tips, recipes and easy hospital meals, meditation links and share some personal stories from willing volunteers. We also take pride in linking you to additional resources – charities that already exist that are willing to help you out in various ways.

You can contact us directly at: Morethanthecword@hotmail.com

Please consult your doctor before taking any advice from us.

Take care!


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